Gnocchi della fortuna

I believe it’s important to know what we believe in to be able to live by these things, call them values or principles or faith. And sometimes, especially when things are turbulent and uncertain, it helps to come back to these beliefs and ground ourselves in these personal convictions.

It's ok to not be ok

When I really don’t know what I’m feeling, and I can’t make sense of it, I’ve also learned the value and importance of asking for help. I seek out the people who know me best, and sometimes someone who doesn’t know me at all but has professional experience. I know that this does not make me weak. When I feel like it does, I repeat to myself that it does not because that’s the truth. It’s ok to not be ok.

What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving reminds me to take a few moments to be grateful, to take more time than I normally would to name, out loud, the things for which I am grateful, those things that share a part in my happiness, sense of security, optimism, or well-being.